Wider Curriculum
At the Royal School, Wolverhampton our Religious Education curriculum aims to develop deep thinkers who are open-minded about religion and worldviews: we use Kapow Primary’s scheme of work along with providing pupils with experiences and celebration days to achieve this.
Our RE curriculum is relevant to pupils, reflecting and preparing them for life in modern Britain. Children will secure a deep understanding of concepts in order to be able to make connections, ask and respond to challenging questions, learn to respect and appreciate worldviews that are different to their own and consider their personal preconceptions, responses and views. Children will build their conceptual knowledge through studying religions and worldviews locally, nationally and globally in our progressive curriculum, enabling them to make links and connections between worldviews, develop disciplinary skills and build on their understanding of their positionality in relation to their learning. By revisiting four concepts in relation to religion and worldviews: beliefs, community, rituals and ethics, children will develop schemata over time to become deep thinkers and build on prior knowledge - pupils will learn about how religion and worldviews are lived experiences across the world, consider the impact of worldviews on society and have opportunities to consider their personal worldviews.
For EYFS, the lessons allow pupils to work towards targeted ‘Understanding the world’ Development matters statements and Early learning goals, while covering foundational knowledge that will support them in their further Religion and worldviews learning in Key stage 1.