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The Royal School, Wolverhampton, is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. The registered company number is 09250153.

View our latest Reports here:

Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR)

You can view the school's financial information on the DfE National School's Benchmarking Website.

Reporting Salaries of High Paid Staff

All schools are required to publish annually the number of individuals earning over £100k a year on their website. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.

The table below provides this information for our school.

Annual Salary Number of Staff
£130k -£140k 1

Meet our Governors

Click on the tabs of each Governor to read more about their role on The Royal School Board of Governors and outside business interests.

Neil Lloyd


  • Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland
  • Affiliate of the Institute of Financial Services


  • Managing Director, FBC Manby Bowdler LLP 2020
  • Sales Director, FBC Manby Bowdler LLP  2015-2020.
  • Head of Sales Development, Lombard, Royal Bank of Scotland 2012-2015
  • Director of Asset Finance – Birmingham & Warwickshire , Lombard, Royal Bank of Scotland 2005-2012

Areas of Interest

  • Member of the Road Running team of Birchfield Harriers
  • Abbotts World Major Marathon Runner
  • Advocate of UK Manufacturing

Governor Responsibilities

CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Appointed September 2016 (Appointed Chair in September 2021). Term of office ends 19th March 2028.

Sits on:

  • Member of The Royal School Trust
  • Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
  • Enterprises
  • HR & Performance Management
  • Admissions

If you wish to contact Neil Lloyd, please direct all enquiries through Mrs A Evason,

Professor Linda Lang


  • Professor Lang qualified as an Allied Health Professional. Her PhD is in child growth and development.
  • Qualified as a state registered Podiatrist, Dip HE


  • Designed, founded, developed and now leads the interdisciplinary Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing in the University of Wolverhampton with over 8,000 students and 480 staff, based on 3 campuses, which has grown to constitute more than 40% of the university.
  • International experience in India, USA, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. In New York led multidisciplinary clinical and social research on infectious diseases, particularly HIV and AIDS. Published on topics including dementia and mental health.
  • Led the successful Health Futures University Technical College (UTC) project, from inception, through bid writing, steering project leadership, appointment of Principal and senior staff to opening 3 years later in Sept 2015, funded by £12m from DfE.
  • Linda brings experience of interprofessional learning, project development and delivery in health and social care. She is committed to working in productive partnerships, to improve health and social care outcomes, whilst fostering interactive relationships between service providers and education, in all the areas encompassed by the faculty she leads.

Areas of Interest

• Linda likes the theatre, travelling and snorkelling, but doesn’t have much time to enjoy these activities. In addition, she tries to go to the gym at least once a week.

Governor Responsibilities

CO-OPTED: Appointed September 2016. Term of office from September 2020, ends 19th March 2028.

Sits on:

  • Data, Standards & Achievement Committee
  • Health, Safety & Premises
  • Whistleblowing Governor

Linda brings to the governing body a wealth of understanding of the health and education sectors.

  • Having been involved in the Health Futures UTC (for 14-19 year olds combining national qualification teaching with hands-on project learning with healthcare professionals) from the initial development to delivery (as the deputy chair of the Project Steering Group), she brings experience of leading an educational organisation through considerable change and growth.

Steve Hawke


  • Certificate of Education – Physical Education & Geography
  • Certificate of Mentorship
  • MA in Education Management
  • NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship)
  • LLE (Local Leader in Education)


  • Steve taught for 34 years in the West Midlands with spells in Walsall, Dudley, Birmingham, Wolverhampton and, most recently, Telford & Wrekin.
  • As a Physical Education practitioner, he gained middle leadership experience as a Head of Department, Head of Year and Head of House.
  • Steve moved into Senior Leadership in 1995 and took up his first headship in 2003.
  • After 5 years as the Headteacher at Deansfield High School in Wolverhampton, he was appointed as founding Principal of The Abraham Darby Academy in Telford, a member of the Haberdashers’ Adams Federation.

Areas of Interest

Steve is married to Anne (also a retired teacher) and they have a daughter, Claire, who is a solicitor. Part-time employment means there is now more time for Steve to pursue his passion for golf.

Governor Responsibilities

CO-OPTED: Appointed September 2016. Term of office from September 2020, ends 21st May 2028.

Sits on:

  • Data, Standards & Achievement Committee
  • HR & Performance Management
  • Vice Chair
  • Safer Recruitment Governor
  • Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor

Steve has extensive Senior School experience. As The Royal is a new Free School, his experience of founding, growing and developing an Academy will be particularly useful in his role as a Full Board member.

  • He brings that experience, plus skills and experience gained as the West Midlands Regional Director of The Future Leaders Trust, to his position as Chair of the Data Standards and Achievement Committee.
  • Steve will also take on the role of lead Governor on Safeguarding.

Cherry Reynolds


Cherry is a retired Secondary Assistant Headteacher and was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in June 2016 for services to Education.  She has taught for 37 years across key stages 2, 3, 4, and 5.  Her teaching specialism is English, but she is also a qualified SENCO with over 20 years’ experience.


Cherry led a successful SEN department at Aldersley High School, which was twice rated ‘Good’ during OFSTED inspections. Comments from the last OFSTED inspection regarding her Leadership and Management is as follows: “Effective communication, a good role model …meticulous maintenance of and monitoring assessment data and identifying areas for development were strengths.”

During her time at Codsall High Federation of Schools, she was successful in leading the SEN department, when she took over in 2007, from being rated inadequate to outstanding in one year, and the department remained outstanding for seven years. In 2011, the focus of the school’s OFSTED inspection was SEN and the school secured an outstanding overall judgement.  In 2012, Codsall High Federation of Schools was recognised by the Department of Education and Skills for securing the position of fourth in the country for SEN Achievement and Progress.

She has led a national conference for SSAT (school, students and teacher network) on ‘Leading an outstanding SEN department’.

In 2010, she was awarded the ‘Black History Maker Award’ for services to education.

Areas of Interest

Throughout her career, Cherry has been passionate about children from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, their education and improving their life chances. Therefore, equality of opportunity is fundamental and central in everything she does and believes in, in teaching.

Governor Responsibilities

CO-OPTED: Appointed July 2017. Term of office from September 2021, ends September 2025.

Sits on:

  • Data, Standards & Achievement Committee
  • SEND Governor

Steve Bunn


Steve Bunn is a Director in KPMG’s Restructuring Advisory department and Head of Private Healthcare for Restructuring nationally.


Over 13 years’ experience in business advisory, restructuring and insolvency services for Lenders, Sponsors, Corporates and Public Sector bodies, having previously qualified in audit.

Broad advisory experience, including due diligence, business reviews, mergers and acquisitions, contingency planning, cash and working capital optimisation, profit improvement and turnaround planning and execution.

Secondments at Lloyds Banking Group Corporate Real Estate Team and LDC.

Broad sector experience including Hotels, Property, Manufacturing, Engineering, Retail, Technology, Automotive, Construction, Oil and Gas, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Logistics and Facilities Management.

Particular specialism in Healthcare – currently sector lead for Private Healthcare in Restructuring.

Particular achievements include:
• Winning Manager of the Year (Insolvency and Rescue awards, 2014) for delivering a consensual restructuring of a care home business;
• Lead Adviser to Care Quality Commission to help them design and execute their approach to the Market Oversight regime for the largest Adult Social Care providers; and
• Project Director of the Financial Improvement Programme at University Hospital of South Manchester.

Areas of Interest


Governor Responsibilities

Co-opted September 2016.  Term of office from September 2020, ends 11th June 2028.

Sits on:

  • Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Jon Eagle


Jon is Head of Operations at Juniper Training, an independent post-16 training and apprenticeship provider, which employs over 170 staff.  Jon is a member of the management board and reports to the MD and governance board.


Jon started working at Juniper Training in 2003.  Since 2013 he has been Head of Operations, with responsibility for finance, budgets, data, IT, premises and building & maintaining relationships with key stakeholders.  Between 2003 and 2013, Jon had numerous roles, including conducting outreach activities to engage NEET young people, supporting unemployed disabled Jobcentre customers into sustainable employment and business development management.

Areas of Interest

Jon has two daughters at The Royal School and has the best interest of the pupils at heart.  Many years ago, Jon also attended The Royal.  Jon enjoys playing football and golf (badly).

Governor Responsibilities

Appointed January 2019. Term of office from January 2019, ends January 2027.

Sits on:

  • Health, Safety & Premises
  • Finance, Audit & Risk
  • H & S Governor

Dr Natasha Sharma






Areas of Interest


Governor Responsibilities

Appointed November 2024. Term of office from November 2024 to November 2028.


Bal Kumar


Bal is a business management consultant currently working for a government department advising, guiding, and supporting.

Previously a non-executive board director at a local children’s charity.


Bal started his working journey in London, before returning to take on a Head of role at a leading sector SME for his current working domain.

He has 20 years+ proven experience of leading diverse functions across complex operations within finance, automotive, B2B, housing, manufacturing, SME, public, commercial and corporate market sectors.

Bal has played several roles at:

  • Barclays
  • HS2
  • JP Morgan
  • JLR
  • Swiss Re

Areas of Interest

Bal has a daughter at The Royal School and enjoys playing football, especially when the body is in sync with the mind!

Governor Responsibilities

Appointed July 2022. Term of office from July 2022, ends July 2026.

  • Parent Governor
  • Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
  • HR & Performance Management

Andy Hall


I am the procurement Director at Retail Furniture Ltd. We are one of the largest joinery manufacturing companies in the UK, working on large projects within the Retail, Transport and Educational sectors in both the UK and abroad.


I started my employment straight out of school at 16, where I went into an apprenticeship in Carpentry and Joinery. It's been over two decades now, and I have managed to work my way from Joinery apprentice to Director. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working on some exciting projects with big brands, like Costa Coffee, John Lewis, Manchester United, and Center Parcs to name a few.

I have two children who attend school. My eldest is in the senior school and is a keen actress and dancer and my youngest is in the primary side and also a member of the RWS Swimming Team.

Areas of Interest

When time allows between the dance shows and swim meets, I can be found on the golf course or on the football pitch.

Governor Responsibilities

Appointed March 2024. Term of office from March 2024, ends March 2028.

Sits on:

  • Health, Safety & Premises
    • Parent Governor

Dr Obuks Ejohwomu


Dr. Obuks Ejohwomu is a renowned academic and researcher specialising in the Sustainable Built Environment and Project Management. He currently serves as a Reader (Associate Professor) and Head of Admissions at the School of Engineering, The University of Manchester.


Dr. Ejohwomu actively participates in professional organisations and academic associations, contributing as a speaker, organiser, and committee member at various industry events. His unwavering dedication to sustainability, innovation, and multidisciplinary collaboration continues to drive advancements in the built environment sector, addressing critical challenges in both academic and professional contexts.

Areas of Interest

I enjoy networking and hiking whenever the opportunity arises.

Governor Responsibilities

Co-opted governor. First appointed on 3 Jul 2024.  Term of office from 3 Jul 2024 to 2 Jul 2028.

Sits on:

  • Health, Safety & Premises