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Sixth Form Results

Please find the latest results below. To understand how the school has performed in comparison to other schools, click on this link, 

(DFE performance data will be updated in January 2025 which will then reflect the positive remarks received)

Performance measure 2023-24
APS per A level entry 30.79
Average grade per A level entry C
APS per Applied general entry 25.89
Average grade per Applied general entry Merit

Key Stage 5 (16 to 18) destinations

The most important measure for The Royal School Sixth Form is the number of pupils who achieve their first choice destination at the end of Year 13.  This may be a university course, higher or further education, an apprenticeship or employment.

  • 84% of pupils gained a place at a university.

...of which 88% gained a place at their first choice

  • 2% of pupils gained an apprenticeship.
  • 6% of pupils have opted for a Gap year.
  • 5% of pupils entered employment.
  • 2% of pupils will be resitting year 13 to improve grades.
  • 1% of pupils studying at FE College.

(Percentages don't quite add up to 100 due to rounding)