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Year 6

Year 6 are the leaders of our school and we focus on preparing our children for the transition to our senior school.  Our children are confident learners who are used to taking charge of their learning and questioning the world around them.  Highlights of Year 6 include a residential trip, dissection in science and the Year 6 Carol Concert. 

Statutory KS2 SATS assessments take place in May, in preparation for transition to KS3. 

PE timetable

Pupils will take part in weekly physical activities on the following days:

Activity Day
Games Thursday
PE/Swimming Friday


Summary of experiences/trips usually undertaken in this year group.

Term Trip/Experience
Autumn Medical Mavericks, Frozen Kingdom Workshop, Bike-ability
Spring Forensic workshop, Mayan workshop
Summer Evacuee Day, Dunfield House Residential, Robotics workshop

For more information about learning in Year 6, download the curriculum booklet.