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Year 2

Year 2 is a key year for transition between KS1 and KS2.  Children develop their ability to learn more independently and engage with PHSE topics based around transition and change to support them as they move up the school. 

Their topic-based learning journey continues with experiences such as a residential trip, a trip to a castle and developing scientific skills such as designing their own experiments. 

Pupils are formally assessed at the end of Year 2 with their levels of attainment reported to parents.

PE timetable

Pupils will take part in weekly physical activities on the following days:

Activity Day
PE/Games Tuesday
Swimming Friday


Summary of experiences/trips undertaken in this year group.

Term Trip/Experience
Autumn Warwick Castle, Sublime Science Day
Spring Music Workshop, Bounce Day
Summer Pirate Day, Arley Arboretym, School Sleepover

For more information about learning in Year 2, download the curriculum booklet.