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Year 4

In Year 4, memorable experiences include a 3 day residential trip and a visit from a Viking!  We encourage children to be as independent and creative as possible with their learning, particularly with their homework projects. 

In year 4, the statutory Multiplication Skills Check is completed.  Children are prepared for this through the use of a programme called Times Table Rock Stars, which can be used in school and at home. 

PE timetable

Pupils will take part in weekly physical activities on the following days:

Activity Day
Games Tuesday
PE/Swimming Thursday


Summary of experiences/trips usually undertaken in this year group.

Term Trip/Experience
Autumn Baggeridge Country Park, Virtual Aquarium Tour
Spring Viking Day, Music Workshop, Residential 
Summer USA VR Workshop, Dentist Visit

For more information about learning in Year 4, download the curriculum booklet. 

Year 4 - Learning Journey