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Positive discipline is used to underpin all of our practices. We operate several schemes in Primary School for the positive disciplining of our students.

House Points

All students are allocated a house on arrival in Primary School. The houses are Balmoral (Red); Buckingham (Blue); Sandringham (Yellow); Windsor (Green).    House points can be given for the following – not exhaustive – list of achievements: polite and courteous behaviour, good work, answering questions correctly, effort, playground behaviour. The house points are totalled each week and then the pupils are given updates weekly. There are competitions held in the performing arts, creative and sporting activities. House Cups/Shields are awarded and presented at the end of each year for success in these areas. Teachers avoid removing house points unless in exceptional circumstances such as persistent poor conduct.

House badges are issued in Reception. If lost or misplaced, replacement badges can be purchased for £2.50 each.


These are awarded for exceptional work, conduct or accrued house points.

  • 25 stickers   = house merit badge
  • 50 stickers   = bronze merit badge
  • 75 stickers   = silver merit badge
  • 100 stickers = gold merit badge

Courtesy and Good Manners Award Scheme

We strive to create an atmosphere of respect and politeness throughout the school. This award is one of the most highly sort out and praised. Pupils can be nominated by members of staff and their peers for pupils demonstrating good manners and courteous behaviour. Those nominated will be awarded a courtesy badge in assembly.

Playground Buddy System

During break times, pupils take turn to be the playground buddy. Their job is to help pupils who need support or assistance, mediate, and encourages others to get along. Pupils who provide this role regularly are rewarded with a playground buddy badge in assembly.